May 04, 2021
Written By AllAboutLaw
AllAboutLaw Premium Content - Access Fund
May 04, 2021
Written By AllAboutLaw
If you cannot afford to access Premium Content on AllAboutLaw.co.uk, we do not want that to be a barrier to you entering the legal profession.
In the interests of widening participation and social mobility, we have a Premium Content Access Fund available, which aims to enable people from certain backgrounds to access useful premium content across our platform at a reduced cost. Below, you will find the eligibility criteria we will use to assess any applications and instructions for how you can make an application.
Eligibility Criteria
We will consider a range of criteria when assessing your eligibility for access to the fund. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis and judged on its own merits. You may be deemed eligible if you are any of the following:
- a student with children, especially single parents
- a mature student with existing financial commitments
- from a low-income family
- disabled
- a student that was previously in care (a ‘care leaver’)
- homeless or living in a foyer
- a student that was previously eligible for Free School Meals
- a student that was previously eligible for Pupil Premium funding
- the first person in your family to attend university.
Please note: this is not an exhaustive list and all applications that are submitted will be considered.
How to Apply
If you would like to apply for access to Premium Content on AllAboutLaw.co.uk at a reduced cost, please submit your application via email to: accessfund@allaboutlaw.co.uk
Your application should include:
- A personal statement, explaining how you meet the above eligibility criteria
- Any evidence you feel will support your application (attached to the email).
Application Review & Decision
Once you have submitted your application, we will aim to review it and make a decision within 7 days from receipt of the email. However, please note that this may vary from time-to-time depending on the number of applications submitted in any given period.
We will notify you by email to let you know if your application has been successful or not, and where necessary, we will provide you with further instructions at this stage about how you can access Premium Content on AllAboutLaw.co.uk at the reduced cost we have agreed.
Please note: this is a limited fund and all decisions made by AllAboutLaw are discretionary and final.
Terms & Conditions