
Written By Billy Sexton, Editor,

New Training Shortcut for Paralegals

Written By Billy Sexton, Editor,

Paralegals who pass the Legal Practice Course (LPC) may now qualify as solicitors without having to complete a formal training contract. 

Under new Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Training Regulations, exemptions to the training contract may be granted to an LPC graduate who can demonstrate “other assessed learning and work-based learning” through “equivalent means” of training.

The change in regulations will mean that the training contract has been replaced by a period of recognised training. The SRA have argued that this will be “no less rigorous” than previously.

Indeed, Crispin Passmore, director of policy at the SRA, said, “We have been less prescriptive about educational inputs and refocused on outcomes – if an individual can show that they meet the work-based learning outcomes we have specified, without having met them under the terms of a formal training contract, we will recognise this as valid learning.”

The new regulations have been party to some scepticism too. Mark Stobbs, director of legal policy at the Law Society, is concerned whether paralegals would be able to demonstrate the same depth of learning that is provided in the training contract. He said, “We support flexible routes to qualification. But we question whether many paralegals will be able to satisfy the new requirements. It is important the SRA consults properly on any significant changes to ensure that standards are maintained.’




