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Jones Day Future Trainee Panel

  • 16:00-17:00
  • Monday 4th November
  • Aditi Parolekar and Jada Cooke. Jones Day Future Trainees

This session will feature students who completed a vacation scheme in the most recent cycle and went on to secure training contracts for the 2026 intake. The aim of the session is to share their vacation scheme experience and advice for students in the next recruitment cycle.

Topics covered will include how to best prepare ahead of vacation scheme and how to create a great first impression. How to approach work tasks and best practice (taking instructions/asking questions, presentation, meeting deadlines, seeking feedback). Best practice when faced with group exercises or skills workshops. Tips on how to navigate the office (particularly through the non-rotational system at Jones Day), build rapport with lawyers and collaborating with fellow vacation scheme candidates. The support provided and how to make the most of this, including Graduate Recruitment, trainee mentors, interviewing lawyers and peers. General advice - focusing on your own scheme, making the most of the experience, absorbing as much information as possible and keeping in mind the two way process. Consider whether you could see yourself at the firm. Each speaker will focus on a particular aspect, leaving plenty of time for Q&A.