

  • Salary £450 per week

London Career Kick-Start Work Experience programme 2025


  • Salary

    • Salary £450 per week
  • Type of firm

    City Law Firms

  • Location


  • Vacancies

  • Deadline


Part of the PRIME initiative and the Social Mobility Business Partnership (SMBP), this programme allows Year 12 students access to a city Law firm for work experience. PRIME was launched in 2011 by the legal sector to provide fair access to quality work experience in law firms for young people. SMBP was subsequently created to provide a further week of work experience in corporate legal teams.

The programme will take place in July & August 2025 and comprises of two weeks.

Week One: Monday 21 July – Friday 25 July 2025 – A week at BCLP’s offices gaining a real insight into what lawyers do on a daily basis as well as information on the different routes in to the profession, a number of skills sessions to help prepare students for the world of work.

Week Two: Monday 28 July – Friday 1 August 2025 – A week visiting different organisation each day in a variety of sectors. During the week, students will learn how law firms interact with their clients and the different roles for lawyers in these organisations.

There will be plenty of opportunities to build their personal network and speak to people from all of the different organisations involved. How to apply: to apply, you will need to complete an online application form, providing a contact for a reference at your school.


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The Law Careers Experts

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Remember to mention AllAboutLaw in your application so employers know you’re using the best resources.

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