

  • Salary £500 per week
  • Year 1 58k
  • Year 2 63k

2025 Vacation Scheme & 2027 Training Contract


  • Salary

    • Salary £500 per week
    • Year 1 58k
    • Year 2 63k
  • Type of firm

    US Law Firms

  • Location


  • Vacancies

  • Deadline


Skadden’s training contracts are offered to students who participate in our vacation placement programme. Our vacation scheme programme provides students with a first-hand experience of working on global transactions with a diverse client base. It also provides insight into the working culture and atmosphere of Skadden. Each student is paired with an associate supervisor and trainee mentor who are tasked with identifying substantive work assignments.

Program Overview

Our vacation scheme students spend their time in two different practice areas, allowing for greater exposure to our work. Students participate in a series of training workshops and insight sessions focused on current matters, which aids their professional development and provides a first-hand perspective from Skadden lawyers on the broad range of matters we handle.

Students also undertake group-based research task during the scheme based on a hypothetical business plan with an international focus.

Social events provide vacation students the opportunity to get to know fellow vacation students and Skadden attorneys on a less formal level.  

The Law Careers Experts

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