Job Hunting

Here's how to job-hunt as a qualified lawyer!

Choosing who to work for is obviously a Big Decision – and like many Big Decisions, it isn’t an easy one to make. On the plus side: you’ve done this before when applying for Training Contracts; you now have experience of what being in a firm is like; and you’ve found this guide to help you!
Before we take you through a step-by-step guide of what to put in your NQ cover letter, there’s a quick checklist. Firstly, make sure you’ve researched the firm and the job opportunity you’re applying for. Secondly, remember to keep things brief - cover letters are not CVs, and yours should not be more than ¾ of a page. Certainly no longer than this article. Now we’ve got that cleared up, behold your cover letter guide...
Getting your CV right is a crucial first step to securing job interviews – you don’t want to fall at the first hurdle. Here’s a simple guide on what to include.
According to, hiring managers receive around 75 CVs per posted position, and spend about six seconds deciding whether or not to proceed with the applicant. If you want to pass that test, you’ll need to have solid qualifications along with a well-formatted CV that will highlight them.
Working abroad as a lawyer is now a perfectly sensible option – provided you prepare well and avoid unrealistic expectations.
As a lawyer, you are your own product. But, like any other product, people won’t use it if they don’t know about it. The process of effectively marketing yourself is known as branding. With the advent of new media, branding options are exploding – and you’ll be short-changing your career if you don’t take advantage of them.
Etiquette doesn’t just apply to dinner parties, afternoon tea and other social engagements. Every society and profession has its own accepted behaviour, and job hunting is no different. Here are seven dos and don’ts to help guide you in your job hunt.
You’ve earned the degree, you’ve completed the LPC or BPTC and you’re ready to start the career you’ve been working towards. But that’s not the end of the story. After securing some interviews, you’ll need to prepare well to ensure you’re presented at your best.
So, you’ve finished getting together the basic information for your NQ CV, but you’re not quite sure how to lay it all out. Before you get started, familiarise yourself with these writing and formatting tips: make sure you know what will make your NQ CV stand out for the right reasons, and also that you know the CV blunders to avoid…
Exciting times - you’ve been invited to interview for an NQ position at a firm! Once you’ve got over the initial celebratory period, you’ll need to do a bit of prep to ensure that you’re ready for the interview. If you’re just about to finish your training contract, it might be that you’ve not done an interview for a while - and interviews at qualified level are a different ball game to training contract interviews. Here’s everything you need to do in prep for the interview.
You’ve finally sufficiently impressed some graduate recruiters with your application for a qualified position, but your job isn't quite done: you’ve still actually got to get the contract. Don’t let a bout with nerves or lack of preparation ruin your chances.
Life as a solicitor brings long working hours and can be even more stressful if you feel you’re in the wrong role. But if you’re considering moving on, there are steps you can take to make job-hunting easier.
If you think that you left exams behind when you took the LPC, think again – employers are increasingly using psychometric assessments to gain more information about how their candidates tick. Law firms are no exception. Here, we take you on a whistle stop tour of aptitude tests, and what each type involves.
Recruiters get a lot of bad press, but they can make job hunting more bearable, effective and result in you achieving a better salary. We consider the issues when deciding on whether to use a recruiter to find your next job.
LinkedIn is extremely useful site to help professionals in any industry connect to relevant individuals, groups, companies, opportunities and jobs in their fields. Here’s how to use it effectively.
So you’ve just been invited to an NQ interview - great! Upon reading through the interview information, you’ve discovered that it will involve a combination of psychometric tests. Whether you’ve encountered these as part of your training contract or not, there’s nothing to worry about. Here’s everything you need to know.
We know what you’re thinking: “I already have a CV! I’ve had one since I was 18!”. That may be true, but if there is ever a time to give your CV a major overhaul, it’s when you’re applying for your first NQ job.
Many people start their training contract expecting to remain in the firm once they qualify. It can be disheartening to learn, at the end of the two years, that your firm isn’t going to offer you a position. So what should you do next?
So you’ve fully prepared for your NQ interview, now all that’s left to conquer is the big day itself. However nervous (or not!) you may be, it’s always good to know what to expect. Here’s our guide to the type of things you can expect to be asked about at your NQ interview. Best of luck!