Ever considered studying law online?
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Mar 05, 2024
Written By Billy Sexton
Mar 05, 2024
Written By Billy Sexton
So you’re flying the nest and leaving home to study law at university. It’s the first step on a long road to becoming a lawyer but even after you’ve sent off that lovely law personal statement and selected your five university choices, but now you have to sit the LNAT.
Of course, by now you know what the LNAT is and you’ve been preparing well, but what about practising for the LNAT and having some sample questions to check out? Don’t fear, LNAT student, AllAboutLaw is here to provide. (Don’t mention it…).
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
The first part of the LNAT test is made up of 42 multiple-choice questions lasting 95 minutes. There are three or four questions for 12 argumentative passages that test your reasoning skills.
There’s no way to revise as such, as you don’t know what the passage will contain, but there are example questions you can try your hand at. Such as this one (which we borrowed from the lovely folks at The Guardian):
Consider the following argument:
There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons. This is shameful. The only point of punishment is deterrence. But to be deterred one needs to be a rational person, and a rational person is a person who understands the likely consequences of his or her actions. Mentally ill offenders are, by definition, less than fully rational. So they cannot be deterred, and should not be in prison.
1. Which of the following is an unarticulated assumption of the argument?
(a) There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons
(b) Imprisoning the mentally ill is shameful
(c) Imprisonment is a form of punishment
(d) Rational people understand the likely consequences of their actions
(e) Those who cannot be deterred should not be in prison.
2. Which of the following is a flaw in the argument?
(a) It does not tell us anything about the definition of mental illness that it is using
(b) It starts from the assumption that we should be ashamed of our prisons
(c) It suggests that we have to embark on a very troublesome review of the way that imprisonment is used as a punishment
(d) It does not allow for the possibility that some people who were not mentally ill when they offended might become mentally ill in prison
(e) It relies on statistics.
3. Which of the following can we most reliably infer that the author of the argument believes?
(a) People should not be sent to prison except as a last resort
(b) Mentally ill people should be treated in hospital for their illnesses
(c) Offenders who are not mentally ill should always be punished by imprisonment
(d) All offences have consequences
(e) The point of punishment is not rehabilitation.
LNAT stress that there is only one correct answer to these questions and they don’t include trick questions. You just have to think critically!
The second part of the LNAT lasts for 40 minutes and is an essay based question. To prepare for this, check out our tips. One sample question, which is actually provided by LNAT themselves, is as follows: ‘In Western society, arranged marriages should no longer be tolerated.’
There are a range of arguments you could follow for this, one being the idea that in Western society, the majority of people are liberal and free to choose what they do with their own lives.
The counter-argument would be that western society prides itself on being tolerant of other cultures and traditions, therefore to intervene in such matters would be going against western principles.
More sample question advice and practice tests can be found on LNAT’s website.