Addleshaw Goddard FAQs
Here you'll find the answers to any questions you might have about Addleshaw Goddard and the firm's opportunities.
What kind of seats are available?
Range of seats available across our four groups of Corporate & Commercial, Finance & Projects, Dispute Resolution, and Real Estate.
Are there any opportunities for an international secondment?
Yes - International secondments in Dubai, Oman and Singapore.
Are there ways to get involved in pro-bono work?
Pro bono work allows us to live out our firm's values and support our communities and all our fee earners (including trainees) have a 50 hour allowance to engage on our pro bono programme.
Our pro bono programme mirrors our key practice areas across the firm and by delivering free legal advice to individuals, charities and social enterprises we're able to empower them to thrive whilst also providing opportunities for our people to give back to the communities in which we operate.
We have a central pro bono steering committee, which is supported by our Pro Bono Partners and the firm's Senior Pro Bono and Inclusion Manager who are tasked with identifying new opportunities and innovative approaches to develop new initiatives to deliver our programme across our global business.
AG's pro bono strategy is built around:
- the provision of pro bono advice to charities and social enterprises;
- providing pro bono advice at legal advice centres and/or supervising students at local universities and law schools which provide legal advice centres;
- the ability to work collaboratively across large scale pro bono projects;
- taking on key pro bono clients where we can become their complete legal function; and
- actively exploring opportunities to work with clients in partnership.
How much are vacation scheme candidates paid?
Candidates are paid £450 per week in London and £400 per week in other locations. Candidates in Ireland are paid €500 per week.