Nov 28, 2022
Written By Panashe Nyadundu
How Much Do Solicitors Make in Scotland?
Nov 28, 2022
Written By Panashe Nyadundu
As with any career, the question of how much you’ll earn is not so straightforward. There are a multitude of factors that come into play when considering how much you will earn. This article will uncover exactly what you need to know about the different salaries of solicitors in Scotland, and what you can expect to earn.
Trainee Solicitors
The Law Society of Scotland advises that law firms should pay their trainee solicitors a baseline salary, however, these recommendations are only a rough guide. It is suggested that trainees should earn £19,500 in their preliminary year, which rises to £22,500 in the final year of training.
Future trainees may want to consider that larger city firms may pay trainees a much higher amount than what The Law Society of Scotland suggests.
Newly Qualified Solicitors & Experience
Of course, newly qualified solicitors can expect to receive a significant rise in salary upon completing their training. Typically, the average salary for a solicitor with zero to two years of post-qualified experience ranges (PQE) between £32,000 to £40,000. However, this will vary depending on the area of practice.
For example, three years PQE could set a solicitor on a salary of £36,000 and up to £62,000. But of course, depending on your sector, responsibility and position, firms can pay above the average maximum salaries.
After 7 years of practising as a solicitor, depending on location, expertise and sector, solicitors could expect to earn around £75,000.
Legal Sectors
Your salary as a solicitor will differ depending on the area of law that you work in.
The highest paying legal areas in Scotland are corporate, commercial property and commercial litigation. For example, after 5 years of experience, solicitors in these fields can expect to earn between £42,000 and £50,000. After seven years of experience, the benchmark can shoot up to £65,000-£72,000 per annum.
Civil litigation, family law and personal injury typically tend to be less profitable. On the other hand, when it comes to in-house sectors, financial services and industry & commerce are the most profitable legal sectors.
The location of where your law firm is based is another important factor to consider when understanding what your salary may look like. Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen have the largest legal markets and firms. Therefore, residing in a more populous city would provide more opportunities.
Becoming a Lawyer in Scotland