Dec 04, 2022
Written By Tom Hale
Is it easy for a foreign national to become a lawyer in the UK?
Dec 04, 2022
Written By Tom Hale
It is definitely possible for a foreign national to become a lawyer in the UK. While the process is complex, it is easy in the sense that it is achievable and recently became more accessible.
The Specifics
In order to become a lawyer in the UK as a foreign national you need to sit the Solicitor’s Qualifying Examination (SQE). This is a recent examination that was added in order to standardise the process for all applicants.
The SQE was implemented in September 2021. It consists of two stages, the SQE1 and the SQE2, both of which have to be completed in order to become a lawyer in the UK.
The SQE1 consists of two 180 question multiple choice tests, the FLK1 and FLK2. The SQE2 consists of sixteen legal skill questions, twelve written and four oral.
In addition to the SQE, foreign nationals must fulfil a list of other criteria if they wish to become a lawyer in the UK. These are:
- Hold a degree or equivalent qualification
- Completion of two years relevant work experience (overseas experience counts)
- Satisfy the Solicitor Regulation Authority’s (SRA) character and sustainability requirements.
With the completion of this, plus the SQE, a foreign national can become a lawyer in the UK.
But is it easy?
This doesn’t answer the question though, is it easy? Well, the answer is still no. It is a long process that will definitely be challenging at times. However, the process is easier than it was in previous years and although it may not be easy, it is definitely achievable.
Before the SQE
Before the SQE was put in place, foreign nationals were required to undertake the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS) in order to become a lawyer in the UK. This scheme was a more long-winded process and led to far less standardisation across UK citizens and foreign nationals.
Closing remarks
Under the SQE the process for foreign nationals to become a lawyer in the UK has been streamlined. Although it is still highly competitive, requiring dedication and commitment; it is achievable and definitely more so than before.
Becoming a Lawyer in the UK - International Students