Training Contract Application Season | Virtual Event Series on AllAboutLaw
Looking to secure a training contract? Attend a range of informative presentations with training contract application experts.

Apr 02, 2023
Written By Sophie Wilson
Apr 02, 2023
Written By Sophie Wilson
Training contract interviews are the sought after gem in the legal application world. So, when you get one, you want to do it right. But, how do you fully prepare for a training contract interview? Below are some key questions and how to answer them.
This is a bread and butter interview question. Of course, the firm wants to know why you want to enter into the legal sector if you are expecting to be working in it for the next 24 months at the very least.
One top tip: understand the sectors that your firm works in and then tailor your answer to those specific categories. So, if your firm is very present in the family law world, then explain why the family sector interests you. If it is a commercial based firm, then why does the corporate world draw your attention and what is it that makes you a good fit for that stressful and high paced environment? Inputting your key skills here is very helpful, as it draws together your interests and your strengths!
Looking to secure a training contract? Attend a range of informative presentations with training contract application experts.
Read up on all of the firm’s web pages. This means everything from their recent cases to their corporate social governance policy. Find out who their key competitors are and what makes this firm rank above them in your eyes. What is it that makes this firm different? Is it the collaborative way of working, or the different style of training that you receive, or is it the friendly culture of the firm that will be supportive of you while you adjust to trainee life?
It is very helpful to try and talk to some employees of the firm before the interview. Ask them what they like about their jobs; what makes them get up in the morning and think- I want to go to work today! Finding out what motivates them is a valuable piece of information, as it will give a true insight into the firm that you cannot get from reading their webpages.
Think about commercial awareness here. Firstly, this is in the case of the sectors that the firm specialises in: is the firm a real estate heavy company and the cost of energy is going to be a huge problem for construction? Secondly, think about it at a firm level: is technology going to revolutionise the way that legal firms operate and so the firm needs to make sure that it is a forerunner in artificial intelligence?
Thirdly, try and anticipate new trends that might pose problems to firms. This is where your creativity and your knowledge of politics and the world at large can allow you to come up with an answer that you have not just lifted from the news.
All of these skills based questions can utilise a STAR approach. What does this stand for?
S stands for situation: describe the background of the circumstances where you portrayed this skill, and what the situation was.
T stands for task. Describe the task that you were faced with- what were the particulars of it that meant the skill being described was essential.
A stands for action. What did you actually do to show this skill, and how did you apply the skill to the situation? Explain why you did it and the procedure of this.
R stands for result. What happened following your action, and what were the consequences of it?
If you really want to stand out, then you can then reflect on your actions. Explain what you would do better next time and what you learned from the experience.
This is a very personal question, and at first a scary one. But, this could be in terms of your studies: Personally, I’ve talked about how I overcame my struggles with university essays and greatly improved my scores throughout second year.
Or, it could be in the realm of volunteering. Have you been doing a Family Law Advice Clinic and managed to overcome your fears of advising a client? Has this then equipped you well for practical legal work?
Or, did you set up a business during lockdown on Etsy and realise that you have a good taste for business? Did you make a lot of money and learn about how to advertise and attract new customers?
Or, did you run a marathon despite hating running the year before, and learned that grit and determination really do equal success, and you are ready to apply the same grit and determination to a legal career?
If you're struggling to think of something, ask your family and friends what you've done that they've admired. It doesn't have to be something massive, just something you can speak about with passion.
YES! The answer is always yes. Have some of these up your sleeve to ask about. This may be: what challenges has the firm faced over the last year? Is there anything the firm wants to accomplish in the next few years? What is the most interesting case that you have worked on? Do you have any advice for trainees?
Whatever it is- ask a question, it shows interest in the firm and your future career!
Selection & Assessment