Need help with assessment centre written exercises?
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Nov 30, 2023
Written By Nandini Jadeja
Nov 30, 2023
Written By Nandini Jadeja
As competition for vacation schemes and training contracts increase, more firms are using written exercises during their application processes. Written skills are critical in a legal environment, as they provide a way for law firms to assess these skills during recruitment. Though they are usually unpopular among aspiring solicitors, this article aims to change that! Read on to find out the hidden secrets to success behind law firm written exercises.
An increasing number of firms are using written exercises as a means of testing a candidate’s written skills during the application process. They help to assess the candidate’s skills and abilities that are needed for a successful legal career, like written and verbal communication.
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There are various types of written exercises that you might be set during a law firm written exercise, including case studies, legal memos and problem solving scenarios.
They may also present themselves in several formats and situations; some may ask you to pen some advice to a client in the form of an email or letter, while others will be more open and give you more flexibility in terms of structuring your answer. The different types of exercises reflect the various skills and qualities law firms are looking for, one of which is the ability to adapt to different writing styles.
Before you are even set the written exercise, you need to understand exactly what the firm expects of you. Some firms will outline details of the written exercise on their graduate recruitment page. Check the firm website for any online events you might be able to attend as graduate recruitment teams will often take students through their application process; these sessions might include details of the written exercise format. You may also want to research the firm’s values and culture, and think about how this might reflect on the written exercise, or how you might want to write your answers with these elements in mind.
When you start the assessment, pay close attention to the instructions provided including things like format, word limit and any special requirements, such as things you must include. It is crucial that you follow the instructions carefully as law firms need trainees that can follow instructions carefully. Thus, responding to the written exercise in the way the firm has asked you to is the first hurdle to cross.
The structure of your answer is almost as important as the content of it, so make sure that you plan before you dive into writing. It can be tempting to start writing straight away, but being able to effectively organise your thoughts is the key to a successful written exercise. Include an introduction and conclusion, even if only a couple of sentences, to show that you are aware of the importance of a structured answer. In your main body of text, make sure you are referring to the question/task throughout your answer to create a clear and logical flow. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-structured answer! A neat, logical and well-structured answer can make all the difference and help you stand out.
Whether you are a law or non-law student, research is crucial when dealing with legal topics. Not only can clear research help you to structure your answer, it can also help you to substantiate your points and arguments, and show the law firm that you are practising another key skill.
When researching, pay attention to your sources and ensure you use referencing/citations to make it clear when something you have written is not in your own words. This can boost the credibility of your written exercise, and, once again, show the law firm that you are displaying skills needed as a trainee.
Top Tip: Prior to the written exercise, try to make a list of legal websites/sources that you can use. One way of checking their credibility is by double checking any references they make to statute/case law. Does the law and the article line up? Many law firms also publish articles around key pieces of legislation, and these are a good place to start with your research.
Do not underestimate proofreading! It’s crucial that you leave sufficient time to proofread your answer(s) to check for spelling, punctuation or grammar errors. As with following instructions, law firms are assessing whether you are able to write to a certain standard. Remember that you will often be drafting important documents/emails as a trainee, so showing that you are meticulous with your editing is an important part of the written exercise. One way of checking is to read your exercise out loud, as you will be able to catch any errors or inconsistencies faster.
Finally, written exercises are almost always time restricted, meaning that you need to be able to manage time well. Before you start writing, it is a good idea to roughly sketch out the time you will spend on each section, such as researching, writing, and proofreading. This allows you to break the exercise into manageable chunks of time, and ensures that you are devoting enough time to each part of the task.
One way of doing this is to quickly jot down a ‘to do’ or check list for the exercise. You should jot down things that you want to include in the body of your exercise, but also reminders to include things such as sources and citations. By having an idea of everything you need to do in front of you, you can ensure you include everything in time.
To conclude, written exercise is testing much more than just your writing skills. It is also testing your ability to be organised and structured, pay attention to detail and manage your time effectively. By applying these tips and strategies, you will be a written exercise pro in no time! This can boost your chances of securing a position at a law firm, and ultimately put you in a great position for the exciting legal career you have ahead of you. Good luck!
Selection & Assessment