Switching Careers

If you're deciding to leave law behind, or are moving into it from a different profession, we've got all the tips you need.
If you're deciding to leave law behind, or are moving into it from a different profession, we've got all the tips you need.
If you don’t have a degree in law, there are a number of alternative routes into a legal career. There are also changes on the way, bringing more options for would-be solicitors.
Many people don’t know what they want to be when they grow up, and some don’t decide until long after they’ve grown up. According to the Financial Times, the average Brit will change careers an average of five times during their working lifetime.
Equivalent means is a period of recognised work experience (such as a stint as a paralegal or within the law profession) that will mean a shorter route to qualification. Here’s a more detailed look.
If you get a late start in law or if you transferred into law from another profession, you needn’t be overly concerned about obtaining or retaining a trainee position, for more than one reason. The UK has passed laws protecting employees against age discrimination, for example. Moreover, times have changed, and the rigid career path trodden by innumerable lawyers in the past is becoming more flexible—in fact, the average age of a qualifying solicitor is now approaching 30.
Your CV is your introduction to your potential boss. Before the more technical aspects, there’s a basic outline that should be followed when it comes to crafting a good CV. Here’s what you should do.
Switching career? Here's how to utilise the skills you've acquired so far in your law career.
When considering leaving your law career, the decision must be treated with care. Here we cover some of the key points to consider, including reasons for leaving and what to do next.
It’s been said that the law is a jealous mistress. Indeed it is, and the typical process of qualifying as a lawyer is also long, arduous and extremely competitive. The main advantages of this process (or processes, since aspiring solicitors and barristers will find themselves on different tracks) are clarity and comprehensiveness.
It’s said that the law touches everything, and nowhere is that statement truer than in the realm of business. If you've been questioning the relevance of your business background to a career as a lawyer, then don’t. It will assist you greatly if you choose to take advantage of it, whether you end up as a solicitor or a barrister.
Whether you intended to pursue a career in the finance industry, or you weren’t quite sure what you wanted to do, you may have obtained a qualification in finance. But this can be an ideal basis for a legal career, as law and finance are intrinsically linked.
A science degree can take you far beyond the laboratory, even into the courtroom. While the link between law and science may not be obvious, research has shown that scientists typically make good lawyers.
Out of everyone who embarks on a law career, there are many people who do so after some time in a completely different career. As daunting as it may seem to approach interviews with an unconventional career history, it can often work to your advantage. Are are some top tips for career switchers!
Considering a career break? Don’t panic: there are lots of reasons why legal professionals do so. Here’s our guide to figuring out your reasons and breaking the news to your employer.
There are now various routes that paralegals can consider if they wish to qualify as solicitors. Ask around at your firm to see if others have gone down this route and get their advice. We look at the paths you can follow to qualify as a solicitor after working as a paralegal.
In the middle of June, it was announced that UK lawyers will soon be able to practise in Australia without having to re-qualify. The announcement came direct from the UK government and followed news of a broader post-Brexit trade agreement with Australia.
So, you’re an experienced professional considering swapping to a legal career? Here’s how to go about getting work experience to help you consider what type of legal career you might want – and whether to try and make the jump!