The Ultimate Training Contract Applications Workshop | Tues 27th June, 4pm to 5pm
Join this virtual event for game-changing insights from successful lawyers and graduate recruiters. Master the art of applying for training contracts!

Nov 07, 2018
Written By Levi Sumner
Nov 07, 2018
Written By Levi Sumner
Out of everyone who embarks on a law career, there are many people who do so after some time in a completely different career. As daunting as it may seem to approach interviews with an unconventional career history, it can often work to your advantage. Are are some top tips for career switchers!
When attending an interview, you may feel unprepared and overwhelmed. But feel assured in yourself: your potential employer is aware that you have unconventional experience, and you’ve secured an interview regardless. Obviously you’re doing something right to have reached this stage.
Join this virtual event for game-changing insights from successful lawyers and graduate recruiters. Master the art of applying for training contracts!
Prepare for your interview using your own experiences and knowledge. Examine the job specification and see which transferrable skills and competencies you’ve gained. Consider any specialist knowledge and versatility you could add to the role.
Attempt some research on key themes and current events within the law industry, and the work carried out by the firm at which you’re interviewing. This will showcase some commercial awareness and demonstrate to your potential employer that you have a willingness to learn. If asked about gaps in your knowledge, say something like, “While I’m not fully aware of the intricacies of … I am aware that …”
Your previous experience, while useful, may not have equipped you for all situations. It’s important to discuss how you would overcome this and thrive in a different environment. Adaptability is a useful asset and something a potential employer will value. Use phrases such as, “In that situation I would … drawing from this I learned …”
“Why are you pursuing a new career?” question Prospective employers will not take kindly to you sounding resentful towards your current or previous workplaces. Instead, discuss what you’ve learned through previous employment and the challenges you wish to pursue in this new role.
Let the employer know you’re taking this opportunity seriously by bringing a portfolio of work where appropriate or preparing for the interview with notes. Make sure you have some questions to ask at the end of the interview.
Switching Careers