Ever considered studying law online?
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Feb 29, 2024
Written By Helena Kudiabor
Feb 29, 2024
Written By Helena Kudiabor
The LNAT is the national admissions test for law, and is used by certain universities when assessing their undergraduate law degree applicants. Although the test is based on critical thinking and essay writing skills as opposed to memorising facts, there are still things you can do to prepare.
The LNAT is used by universities to assist them with admissions for undergraduate law courses, such as the LLB. The test does not assess your knowledge of the law or legal systems, and instead aims to test your aptitude for the skills all successful lawyers need. These skills include: verbal reasoning, analysing information, drawing conclusions and interpreting information.
This test is designed this way to ensure that students who have already studied law do not have an unfair advantage, making the application process fairer. It is looked at in combination with your grades and personal statement, to help the university decide whether to admit you.
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
During the LNAT, you’ll complete multiple choice questions as well as a long answer question. The first part of the exam is 42 multiple choice questions, divided into 12 subsections. You’ll have 95 minutes to answer all the questions. This section will require you to read a passage and answer questions about it, such as what the author is trying to argue, and the definition of some of the words used.
The next section requires you to write an essay answering one of three questions given. You’ll have 40 minutes to do this. Example questions include ‘Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts’ and discuss the statement ‘We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism’.
Your scores from the multiple choice section are marked by computer, and you’ll receive a mark out of 42. This score is known as your LNAT score. Your essay won’t be marked but will be shown to the university, so it’s an opportunity for you to show your ability to make a strong argument.
Your score will be released to the universities you’re applying to before you. Tests done between 1 September and 20 October are released on 21 October, while tests done after this will be released within 24 hours. The date you see your results depends on the date you took the exam.
If you take the exam on or before the 26th January you’ll receive your results in mid February, but if you take the test after this date you’ll receive your results in mid August.
You can prepare for the LNAT by completing practice tests online. Doing practice tests is a great way to get a feel for the exam, and to practise working within the time constraints. The LNAT official website offers two practice tests for you to try, as well as the accompanying marking scheme and commentary. There are also practice tests from external websites online for you to try.
One way to gain additional practice that you may not have thought of is to try out practice LSAT questions. The LSAT (Law Schools Admissions Test) is used by law schools in the United States. Although the tests are designed for graduate students as opposed to sixth form students, and the passages are shorter, the test assesses the same aptitude skills for law. Practice questions can be found on the LSAT website.
Practice tests aren’t the only way for you to prepare for the exam. Critical thinking skills are required to succeed in the exam, which can be developed by reading quality newspapers. Examples include The Independent and The Economist.
As you read, consider what assumptions are being made, what discourses are missing and possible counterarguments. Reading the news also allows you to learn more about current affairs, which you’ll need to answer the essay questions.
Furthermore, you can also do well in the LNAT simply by remembering basic tactics for comprehension questions and essay writing. For instance: avoid making assumptions, read the questions carefully and remember to allocate time to essay planning.