Ever considered studying law online?
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Mar 05, 2024
Written By Billy Sexton
Mar 05, 2024
Written By Billy Sexton
So you’ve chosen to hop away to university to study law, the first big step on your way to becoming a top lawyer. However, getting to university isn’t simple. Not only do you have to make sure you submit a top notch UCAS application and smash your A-Levels, you may also have to pass the LNAT.
In case you weren’t away, the LNAT is the National Admissions Test for Law and is a two part test that last for two hours and fifteen minutes. The first part is made up of 42 multiple-choice questions lasting 95 minutes, the second involves essay-type questions and lasts 40 minutes. More information on the structure and eligibility of the LNAT can be found here, but right now we’re going to give you some top tips on how to prepare for the LNAT.
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
LNAT stress that you don’t pay for coaching or teaching and argue that the materials on their site are enough. What they (and AllAboutLaw.co.uk) do recommend is that you stay updated on the latest news and happenings around the world. This doesn’t mean knowing who Rihanna is dating but rather what the hard news talking points are and the opinions and viewpoints on such matters. This will allow you to think, analyse and reach a logical conclusion on various matters.
You won’t be asked specifically about current affairs, but knowing how the world ticks, in general terms, will help you to write intelligently about a host of different topics. Newspapers such as the Financial Times and magazines such as The Economist are useful sources.
Most multiple choice tests will want you to recall from memory knowledge about the question. However, the LNAT is slightly different and wants you to take into account only the information in front of you and then choosing the most accurate statement.
Make sure you read passages a few times, making sure you know the exact meaning. Don’t rely on knowledge from other sources, the LNAT wants to test you on your skills in analysing and reaching conclusions, not your prior knowledge. If the passage says the sky is green and the grass is blue, then that’s what you have to base your answer on.
LNAT will not be sneaky and include trick questions. It’s your job to think critically and logically and eliminate the false ones. If there are answers that seem to be same, they are there to test whether your powers of discrimination are fine-grained (i.e. can distinguish propositions that are very close together) or coarse-grained (i.e. can distinguish propositions only when they are quite far apart).
Other tips for the multiple choice section include:
- Avoid making assumptions
- Deal in absolutes
- Check if a statement is opinion or fact
- Check what the question asks for
- Check what the question means
- Check your answer.
Don’t try to anticipate the question you’ll be asked. LNAT don’t care if you have no data about the topic and stress that an argument based on assumptions can be just as good as an argument based on information. Just make sure you state your assumptions.
LNAT are also not bothered much about what you think personally. They want you to defend a position and also reach a solid conclusion. Try to write 500-600 words. Writing less than this will be difficult to mark. Other tips for preparing for the LNAT essay include:
- Read ahead on current affairs
- Pick the right question, the one you know most about, not the one you feel most strongly about
- Think about how to structure an essay
- Think about how you will manage your time.
Follow your mother’s timeless instructions and get an early night followed by a good healthy breakfast. Doing an exam tired will suck. Arrive at the test centre with plenty of time to spare before your test starts with ID and your confirmation of booking. Follow the instructions from the staff and good luck!