Ever considered studying law online?
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Mar 05, 2024
Written By Panashe Nyadundu
Mar 05, 2024
Written By Panashe Nyadundu
The Law National Aptitude Test, more commonly known as the LNAT, is an aptitude test used by certain universities. It is used as an admissions requirement for both home and international applicants, for a number of undergraduate law degrees. Here’s everything you need to know about the exam, including how you can best prepare.
When deciding which university to go to, it is important to know which institutions require the LNAT, so you have enough time to prepare. The following universities require law applicants to take the LNAT:
- University of Bristol
- University of Cambridge
- Durham University
- University of Glasgow
- King’s College London
- London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- University of Oxford
- SOAS University of London
- University College London (UCL)
- SUSS, Singapore University of Social Sciences
- IE University, Spain
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
The LNAT is a 135 minute-long test, comprising two sections. Section A involves 42 multiple-choice questions in response to 12 argumentative passages. In section B, candidates must choose 1 of 3 essay questions to complete in 40 minutes.
Ultimately, the test measures the individual’s logical reasoning skills and reading comprehension. The argumentative passage will test how well you can draw inferences from reading the terms and arguments within each passage. The essay questions tend to be open-ended and cover a variety of current affairs and general issues.
Structuring your essay with an introduction, main body and conclusion is recommended to keep the format clean and easy to follow. Before you begin writing, planning out your essay, your strongest arguments and conclusion will help keep your essay concise.
Familiarising yourself with the format and type of questions that occur in the LNAT are a great way to prepare yourself for the test. The LNAT Consortium recommends that test takers prepare by reading high-quality, informative questions to improve their comprehension, analysis and drawing conclusions.
Newspapers such as The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Times and The Economist are all good newspapers that will improve how you think about world affairs, forming critical opinions and how good writing can be formed. Thinking about the structure of arguments, assumptions, conclusions, and counter arguments as you read will help build how you comprehend readings and think logically.
You can also find practice tests available on the LNAT website. It’s a good idea to try these out before the exam, to get a feel for the types of questions asked and the time constraints.
Additionally, the LNAT advises candidates are not advised to seek out individuals or organisations who advertise paid or free tuition to assist with your preparation for the LNAT. They argue it is best to self-study for the exam.
Section A (the multiple choice section) is scored, with candidates receiving a mark out of 42. Section B (the essay) will not be graded. Within 24 hours of you completing the exam, your score and essay will be sent to your university. If you took the LNAT on or before 26 January, you’ll receive your results in mid February. If you take your exam after this date, you’ll receive your results in mid August.
There is no set pass mark for the LNAT, so it's impossible to fail. Each university uses the LNAT in their own way, considering your result alongside your predicted grades and personal statement.
To help you prepare for the essay topics in the LNAT, practising sample essays will help you improve how you think and write. Here are some sample essay topics to help you get started:
- Should people accused of a criminal offence retain anonymity?
- How should judges be appointed?
- Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
- Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
- Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts