Ever considered studying law online?
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.

Mar 05, 2024
Written By Helena Kudiabor
Mar 05, 2024
Written By Helena Kudiabor
The LNAT stands for the Law National Aptitude Test, and is a way for universities to see whether you have the skills needed to succeed in law. Read on to find out about what the test consists of and what score to aim for.
The LNAT is used by certain universities to help them narrow down their applications for undergraduate law degrees, such as the LLB. To ensure that students who have already studied law don’t have an advantage, the test doesn’t assess your knowledge of the law, but rather whether you have the skills to succeed in law. Examples of these skills include: drawing conclusions, verbal reasoning and critical thinking.
There are so many study mode options available to aspiring lawyers now. But which one is right for you? Find out with Arden University's handy decision-making tool.
The LNAT is divided into two parts: multiple choice and long answer. The first section consists of 42 multiple choice questions, divided into 12 subsections. You’ll have 95 minutes to read the passages given and answer comprehension questions. Questions will cover topics such as what the author’s main argument is, and to explain why the author used certain words.
The second section asks you to write an essay. You will be given three questions to choose from, and will have 40 minutes to plan and answer your chosen question. Questions will ask you to give your opinion on topical news issues, such as abortion, feminism and public funding.
The multiple choice section is marked by a computer, and you’ll receive a mark out of 42 for this. This score is known as your LNAT score. You won’t receive a score from the essay but your university will still assess what you wrote, so you should still put some effort into it.
It’s difficult to give one good score. There isn’t a set pass or fail mark, and just because you get above a certain score doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed admission. However, to get a sense of what you might wish to aim for, universities publish the average LNAT score of their successful applicants.
For instance, LSE’s average score in 2018/2019 was 25, while UCL’s average score in 2019/2020 was 27. Thus, to decide what score you’re aiming for, look up the average LNAT score for the universities you are applying to and aim for the highest one.
You can improve your LNAT score by completing sample practice tests online. This is a great way for you to get used to the time constraints and see what the exam is like. In addition to the two practice tests on the official LNAT website, many external websites offer practice tests.
You could even try completing practice LSAT tests. The LSAT is used by law students in the United States, and although the test has some differences (it is aimed at graduate students and the passages are shorter,) it still assesses the same skills.
If you’re looking for a break from practice tests, you can practice your critical thinking skills by reading newspaper articles. Try to read articles from quality newspapers, such as The Independent and The Economist. As you read, think about what assumptions the author is making, possible counterarguments, and whose voices haven’t been included.
Reading the news also allows you to learn more about current events, which you’ll need to answer the essay questions. You could even watch political debates for a change of pace, but remember to set your political biases aside.
Firstly, try not to panic. You won’t be automatically rejected from universities based on a low score. Furthermore, only eight universities require the LNAT for admission, so be sure to apply for a mix of universities to maximise your chances.
Instead of dwelling on a low score, try and channel this energy into strengthening the rest of your application. For instance, you could show your dedication to law by completing some work experience, or by attending a court case.