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Baker McKenzie FAQs

Got a question about Baker McKenzie? You'll find the answer here. We cover everything from entry requirements to first year opportunities. 

I don’t meet the grade requirements. Can I still apply?

Yes. Baker McKenzie uses contextualised recruitment to consider student’s academic performance in light of their personal circumstances. You are also welcome to include mitigating circumstances on your application form.

Are there any opportunities for first year students?

Baker McKenzie has an insight scheme, which provides students with two days of interactive workshops, networking opportunities, shadowing, and application advice.

Can I do an international or client secondment?

Definitely. Baker McKenzie works with household names and has 74 offices, so you’ll be spoilt for choice. 

What kind of benefits do trainees receive?

Trainees receive a variety of benefits, such as a gym membership subsidy, dining discounts, and financial advice. 
