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Gowling WLG FAQs

If you're thinking about applying to Gowling WLG, or are even just researching your options, make sure you read the FAQs below. 

What are some tips for the application?

It’s important to thoroughly check your written application for spelling and grammar mistakes, stay up-to-date with the business world and try to show your true self and let your personality shine through. 

Do you accept a 2:2 or below?

Yes. Gowling WLG prefer to look holistically at a candidate’s experiences instead of only focusing on their academic achievements. 

Are client or international secondments available?

Client and international secondments are available. Gowling WLG works with a variety of different companies such as charities and public bodies. International secondments are also available due to the firm’s numerous offices located across nine countries. 

Do I have to study at the University of Law?

Students who are sponsored by Gowling WLG to study the PGDL, LPC or SQE will be sponsored to study at the University of Law, however they can make exceptions about the campus location.

I’m a mature student. Am I still eligible to apply?

Of course. Gowling WLG welcomes anyone regardless of their background, as they believe the diversity of their firm is paramount to their success. 
