
Mar 05, 2024

Written By Ravi Pilaipakam-Thatai. LLB Student, Exeter University

My LNAT Experience

Mar 05, 2024

Written By Ravi Pilaipakam-Thatai. LLB Student, Exeter University

Most prospective students who want to do law at university must take the LNAT. It might seem scary, but remember that everyone taking the exam is at the same stage as you. Ravi explains how he tackled the LNAT test.

Applying for law at university

The LNAT was a necessary procedure in my route to becoming a law student as quite a few prestigious universities required the taking of the test.

I applied to University College of London, Kings College London, London School of Economics, Queen Mary’s University and Brunel University and two of these universities needed the LNAT as part of the application.

Studying law requires self-motivation

The LNAT was only briefly mentioned at school, so I was left to my own devices to discover more about the intimidating LNAT. Taking the test was a challenging experience. I maintain that it is the toughest test I have ever done (Further Maths doesn’t even come close) but, equally, it was a rewarding experience.

In preparation, I scoured newspapers for topic law issues, but I did not spend a great deal of time forming my own opinions on each of the issues. This is a crucial aspect of the LNAT and I urge anybody contemplating it in the future to do so.

The first half of the LNAT exam in detail – multiple choice

The first half of the LNAT revolves around comprehension and it uses multiple choices (normally something most students dream of but there were not many obvious answers we could eliminate). To best prepare for this section I recommend reading unfamiliar difficult pieces to gain the ability to comprehend and pick out information from a difficult text.

A-level subjects that would help with this section are English literature and a modern foreign language. I also advise the learning of key English literature vocabulary as a few unknown specific words could mislead pupils in answering the question.

Read more:

> LNAT preparation
> Sample LNAT questions
> Do I need to sit the LNAT?



The second half of the LNAT exam in detail – essay questions

The second part of the LNAT is an essay in which you are assessed on your analytical skills, structure, your ability to form an argument and writing skills.

It is widely discouraged to use previously known information when writing the essay as it is graded purely on a demonstration of logical thinking.

Essay writing is a skill that most pupils learn to a good degree, so I didn’t find this part as difficult but I definitely recommend writing practice essays as revision for this part.

It is important to know that the essay is typed. As such, computer literacy plays a role in how effectively (and quickly) you can get your point across.

It is important to do well in this section as it can differentiate yourself from the other pupils who achieve the same score in the multiple choice section.

Getting your LNAT results

The results came via e-mail and although at first I was disappointed with my result I did find solace in the fact that it was supposed to be a challenging exam and the fact that I did give my best effort. 

